Learn to canyoneer with the support of professional and knowledgeable guides
Team canyoneering equipment provided
Develop technical and leadership skills to safely descend canyons

Our 3-day Technical Canyoneering/Canyon Leadership course is the premier introduction to canyoneering designed to give you the knowledge and confidence you need to pursue the exciting sport of technical canyoneering. This course includes beginning and intermediate level techniques, trip planning, problem-solving, hazard recognition and avoidance, and team building. Completion of this canyoneering course will provide you with the skills you need to pursue canyons up to a Class 3B rating and to travel safely in a variety of wilderness environments. Gain access to a whole new world of adventures!

$495 per person | 3 days

Course Details


Tuition for the course is $495 per person

Departure time

8 AM

Meeting point

Hanksville, Utah


October 7-9, 2022


3 days

Group size

2-8 people
If you have more than 8 people in your group, contact us about doing a private course.

Experience level

No previous experience required

This trip is suitable for beginners of all ages who enjoy an active, adventurous and educational outdoor experience. Adult participants should be able to carry a pack weighing 10-20 pounds.

Difficulty rating


Level 1
  • Activity:
    • Hiking: Easy hiking on well maintained trails
    • Canyoneering: Easy hiking and scrambling using hands and feet for balance and support A rope may be used for handlines, belays, rappels and lowering packs
  • Distances: Hike up to 2 miles
  • Surfaces: Easy terrain
  • Elevation Change: Little to none. Short sections of uphill travel.
Level 2
  • Activity:
    • Hiking: Easy to moderate hiking
    • Canyoneering: Easy to moderate hiking and scrambling using hands and feet for balance and support. A rope may be used for handlines, belays, rappels and lowering packs.
  • Distances: Hike up to 3 miles
  • Surfaces: Flat or rolling terrain with some steep ascents/descents and uneven trails
  • Elevation Change: Up to 600 ft/day
Level 3
  • Activity:
    • Hiking: Moderate, off-trail hiking on rugged trails
    • Canyoneering: Moderate, sustained, climbing and scrambling using hands and feet. A rope is required for handlines, belays, rappels and lowering packs
  • Distances: Hike up to 6 miles
  • Surfaces: Rolling or mountainous terrain with some steep ascents/descents and uneven trails
  • Elevation Change: Up to 1200 ft/day
Level 4
  • Activity:
    • Hiking: Difficult, off-trail hiking on rugged, technical terrain
    • Canyoneering: Difficult, sustained, climbing and scrambling using hands and feet. A rope is required for handlines, belays, rappels and lowering packs.
  • Distances: Hike up to 10 miles
  • Surfaces: Rugged, exposed terrain with steep ascents/descents and uneven trails
  • Elevation Change: Up to 3000 ft/day
Level 5
  • Activity:
    • Hiking: Very difficult, off-trail hiking on rugged, technical terrain
    • Canyoneering: Very difficult, sustained, climbing and scrambling using hands and feet. A rope may be used for handlines, belays, rappels and lowering packs. May require advanced canyoneering techniques including guided rappels, multi-pitch rappels, complex ropework difficult pothole escapes, and advanced problem-solving and anchor building.
  • Distances: Hike up to 14 miles
  • Surfaces: Extremely rugged, exposed terrain with steep ascents/descents and uneven trails
  • Elevation Change: Up to 4000 ft/day

Solitude rating


  1. Expect to be around other hikers and travelers most of the time.
  2. Expect to have some solitude, as much as an hour at a time without seeing other groups.
  3. Expect several hours of solitude at a time.
  4. Expect to see no more than one or two groups on your trip.
  5. Expect to see no other hikers or travelers on your trip.


  • Experienced and professional guides
  • Team canyoneering equipment
  • Canyoneering and rappelling instruction
  • Federal land permit fees
  • Safety equipment, including a team first-aid kit and satellite messenger
  • A commitment to make the course as exciting, challenging, and informative as you’d like

Not included

  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • Personal canyoneering equipment
  • Gratuities or tips for instructors

What to bring

  • Harness, helmet & rappel device
  • Layered clothing
  • Comfortable, high-friction footwear
  • Medium backpack
  • Sun Protection
  • Water bottles or bladder
  • Headlamp or flashlight

If you do not have your own gear, let us know. A full packing will be sent after booking. We also have a limited supply of harnesses, helmets and hardware available for rent.

What Lies Ahead of You

Learn canyoneering in the canyons, not in a classroom
Build a solid foundation of canyoneering skills
Grow as a leader and improve in your decision making
Meet new adventurers and experience the power of the team

What You'll Learn

Skills you’ll learn in the canyoneering course include:

  • Selection, use and care of your canyoneering gear
  • Trip planning techniques
  • Navigation and route finding
  • Canyon Rating system
  • Knots and hitches
  • Hazard recognition and avoidance
  • Crisis management
  • Climbing techniques
  • Partner assist techniques
  • Using and setting natural and fixed anchors
  • Natural anchor construction techniques
  • Rappelling and belaying techniques
  • Ascending fixed lines
  • Handlines and tethers
  • Pothole escape techniques
  • Group problem solving
  • Self-rescue techniques

Other Important Information

We offer multiple tours in the Utah wilderness. See where we guide!


If you’ve decided to stay a little longer, take a look at our list of Utah recommendations(opens in a new tab), including the nearest towns with the best accommodation and restaurants. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us(opens in a new tab)!

Frequently Asked Questions

This class is designed for beginners, or those with some in-canyon experience. No previous experience is required.

Wear clothes you can move in and don’t mind if they get “worn-in” by the canyons. Make sure to bring enough layers in case of cool temperatures Make sure to bring enough layers in case of cool temperatures. For your feet, comfortable medium-weight hiking shoes or boots work best. You definitely need closed-toed shoes (no Chacos!) that you’ve worn before and broken in well. A full packing list will be sent upon booking with more information.

Entrance fees and snacks are included in the price.

Have more questions? Head to our FAQ page to read more!

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