My husband were able to spend a couple days with Chris gaining and practicing new skills that are necessary to safely navigate some of Utah’s canyons. Chris is knowledgable, methodical and sequential with his teaching. We are excited to come back next year to practice!! I love canyoneering!!
Integer elementum pharetra sem id posuere
Maecenas porttitor mauris nibh, ut volutpat arcu finibus fringilla
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus semper pellentesque. Fusce auctor sem quis arcu faucibus porta. Aliquam ullamcorper eros in odio faucibus tempus. LANDMARK eleifend lorem ut augue blandit molestie. Nullam posuere faucibus nisl eu blandit. Mauris pharetra libero sit amet enim bibendum laoreet. Nunc posuere vitae lectus vitae aliquam. Donec mi lectus, rutrum ac nisi eu, mattis vulputate nisl. Aliquam leo magna, mollis eu tincidunt id, semper vel lorem. Aliquam posuere felis id eros tempor, eu tristique nibh tempor. Nunc laoreet pellentesque sapien vitae efficitur. Phasellus euismod venenatis quam, vitae laoreet justo tristique et. In et sem venenatis, mattis mi quis, facilisis dolor. Duis leo justo, sagittis ac enim ut, congue iaculis magna. Donec libero velit, porttitor et lobortis ut, consequat ultrices nisl.
Integer elementum pharetra sem id posuere. Sed feugiat orci ipsum, quis commodo nibh viverra suscipit. Etiam congue quis nulla sed tincidunt. Maecenas venenatis interdum lobortis. Quisque tristique tellus sed auctor lobortis. Vivamus scelerisque quam vitae nulla pharetra ultrices. Ut non dui eget ligula fermentum laoreet. Nulla sit amet fermentum orci, a dapibus lorem.
Our Favorite Tours From Moab
Directions to Hanksville from Moab
Integer finibus felis sed urna LANDMARK consectetur. Proin congue justo at enim interdum euismod. Cras in ornare turpis, at faucibus sem. Ut sagittis laoreet ante, et hendrerit eros condimentum eget. Morbi imperdiet in tortor ut finibus. LANDMARK vitae nunc urna. Sed mauris massa, finibus et viverra id, rutrum et risus. Vestibulum erat ligula, tincidunt et mollis consequat, facilisis at neque. Nulla ut maximus erat, vel finibus lectus. LANDMARK lacus vel metus tempor molestie. Nunc id ullamcorper dolor.
Things We Recommend in Moab
Maecenas porttitor mauris nibh, ut volutpat arcu finibus fringilla.
Nullam porttitor molestie augue, eget volutpat libero lobortis et. Suspendisse accumsan eu velit id cursus.
Nullam porttitor molestie augue, eget volutpat libero lobortis et. Suspendisse accumsan eu velit id cursus. Nam libero massa, sodales nec placerat nec, pulvinar ac arcu.
Maecenas porttitor mauris nibh, ut volutpat arcu finibus fringilla.
Nullam porttitor molestie augue, eget volutpat libero lobortis et. Suspendisse accumsan eu velit id cursus.
Nullam porttitor molestie augue, eget volutpat libero lobortis et. Suspendisse accumsan eu velit id cursus. Nam libero massa, sodales nec placerat nec, pulvinar ac arcu.
Maecenas porttitor mauris nibh, ut volutpat arcu finibus fringilla.
Nullam porttitor molestie augue, eget volutpat libero lobortis et. Suspendisse accumsan eu velit id cursus.
Nullam porttitor molestie augue, eget volutpat libero lobortis et. Suspendisse accumsan eu velit id cursus. Nam libero massa, sodales nec placerat nec, pulvinar ac arcu.
See What Previous Adventurers Say
My son and I booked a day long Canyoneering adventure into Robber’s Roost. Met our guide Logan in Hanksville and drove out to the canyon. After a short, strenuous hike we started our descent. Logan was a great canyoneering instructor, providing clear, concise instructions. In no time we were rappelling down through a series of canyons. At no time did I feel unsafe. This trip exceeded my expectations and I look forward to doing it again.
This was an excellent guided trip. My husband rappelled at 50 for the first time with our 10 & 12 years olds. We felt very safe during the rappel. Appreciated the test run and the additional tips of securing chest for larger people while going down. Chris was great at talking us through the tough spots during the hike and during the rappel. He also helped all of us and made sure that we were all together working together. HE brought along a nice packet of trailmix for each person. I do think if possible it would have been great if he had shared more information about the surroundings. Maybe how they were formed, what made them unique, how they are retained etc. He did answer all the kids questions, but many times on these guides tours we love when the guide just talks and shares knowledge – Our kids seem to really enjoy this and learn so much more. In any case all of us loved the trip and we would definitely go with him again. Thanks Chris
We literally had a private half day tour. Chris fed us information so that we felt more comfortable with the height challenge facing us. The repelling and hike through the park were amazing. We would love to return one day to do a day long excursion with Chris.